Welcome to the Kansas Memory Blog. We'll use the blog to discuss the documents, photographs, and artifacts included on Kansas Memory and the many additional features the site offers. Posts will appear every week or two and will showcase a specific item or feature. Your comments and responses are appreciated.
For this initial post, I’d like to draw your attention to the My Bookbag feature.
All registered users have access to a bookbag and it is very easy to use. When browsing the collections, if you see an item you would like to save or share, just click the Save to Bookbag button on the item page
and add that item to your bookbag. You can write notes to yourself or others about the items in your bookbag. You can create folders to manage multiple items and keep notes on those folders.
You can also mark your folders public or private so you can share them with other users, or keep them to yourself. The Share button on any item page will show you the bookbags holding the item.
Selecting Users from the menu at the top of the screen
allows you to browse the viewing history and bookbags of other users. You can view my bookbag under user mchurch where I feature favorite items I’ve selected for the site (see my “favorites” folder). The Historical Society’s quarterly journal, Kansas History, has a bookbag featuring some of the photographs from each issue. The user name is KansasHistory. If you think of unique or interesting ways to use your bookbag, let us know.
We encourage you to comment on this post. If you have questions about this or other features on the site, please email us at kansasmemory@kshs.org. The next post will provide insight into a specific item from the Kansas Memory collection.